Hartland Bridge – Hartland, New Brunswick - Atlas Obscura

Hartland Bridge

Hartland, New Brunswick

The world's longest covered bridge is a quaint and incredible wooden tunnel. 


Covered wooden bridges are generally known for their quaint beauty, not their claustrophobic length, but New Brunswick’s Hartland Bridge goes for both as the world’s longest covered bridge.

Initially built in 1901, the long bridge was the first way to cross the St. John River that didn’t involve taking a boat. In the beginning, the entire span was built out of wood and was not covered. However, after ice destroyed some of its pylons, they were replaced with concrete, and the bridge was given its signature covering in the 1920s. At 1,282 feet in length, the now-covered bridge became an instant world record holder. However, not everyone thought it was a great idea.

When the covering was proposed, a number of locals were against the idea, worrying that it would cause the youth of the community to become sex-crazed deviants by providing them with a place to privately carry out their hormonal fantasies. Some even gave sermons to stop the covering. But the opposition ultimately lost, and the cover went on.

Today, there is also a pedestrian walkway that runs along one side of the bridge so that admirers can take a leisurely stroll over the river. The road through the covered span is only one lane, so cars must wait while others pass, but that just means all the more time to appreciate this long, lusty, rustic bridge. 


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