Squeaky Beach – Wilsons Promontory, Australia - Atlas Obscura

Squeaky Beach

Wilsons Promontory National Park
Wilsons Promontory, Australia

The spherical grains of white quartz sand give every step on this Australian beach a distinctive sound. 


This famous beach sits in the naturally spectacular area of Wilsons Promontory National Park. Squeaky Beach is so named due to the high-pitched noise that the footsteps of visitors make when they stroll across it. The sheer beauty of the area makes it one of the most impressive beaches in Victoria, Australia, with white sand and crystal clear turquoise water surrounded by large, granite boulders at either end of the beach.

So why is Squeaky Beach so squeaky? This natural phenomenon exists because of the shape of the grains of sand. The sand on Squeaky Beach is primarily made of white quartz, which is constantly being reworked from the aeolian dunes at the back of the beach. This process results in the grains being more spherical than other types of sand. As those tiny balls rub up against each other underfoot, it results in a high-pitched squeaking sound, similar to the noise that you might hear from two marbles rubbing together. 

The beach allows visitors to make their own musical imprint on this great beach, by creating their own squeaking sounds with every step. 

Know Before You Go

Within Wilsons Promontory National Park, there are several coastal tracks that lead to Squeaky Beach. There is a car park inland which leads to a short walk out to this fascinating beach. 

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